Surgery of abdominal hernias
Proctology: piles, fistulas
Removal of tumors
Complex treatment of varices
Surgery of thyroid and parathyroid glands
Septic Surgery
Emergencies: Injuries at home, at the garden, at school, during sport and at work. Second opinion, medical reports in English
Rita Peller MD
Senior Consultant of General Surgery
E.B.S.Q. in Endocrine Surgery
After my study at the Faculty of Medicine in Hungary, I learnt the basics of general surgery and traumatology at Budapest. My qualification in Surgery I have finished with the German accuracy in Munich. The five years in Africa promoted my teaching activities and optimized my social and intercultural competence. After development my knowledge at the field of Endocrine Surgery in Munich, I obtained the European qualification in Endocrine Surgery. Since 2011 I am working at our Outpatient Surgical Institute as a Surgeon with a broad spectrum on the field of Surgery. I perform Surgical procedures at our Outpatient Surgical Institute and endocrine Surgery operations at the Hospital in Freising.